Basic and detailed engineering "- P / D Maturin (SISOR) RPLC pipeline."
Basic and detailed engineering "Pipeline RPLC-P / D MATURIN (SISOR), 214 KM, pumping and valve stations including river crossings, initial and final stations. Basic studies for the route study.
Detailed engineering for the gathering system and the oil and gas processing facilities of San Joaquín production field.
This project included cathodic protection for the gathering system pipelines, detail engineering for water handling into well injection systems and gas petroleum separation process, design of crude oil treatment facilities to storage tanks and despaching pumping system.(area facilities 300.000m2). Design capacity of 850 MMSCFD of gas.
Basic engineering of compressor plants in Cariaco, Caripito and Muscar.
Development of basic engineering, including selection of the location sites for compressor plants, enquiry documentation for the detailed engineering, procurement and construction. Offshore Gas Transportation System (East) for 1 MMMCFD gas at 1,200 psig.
Basic and detailed engineering for the Interconextions of the Central / Occidental Gas Transport Systems (ICO).
Route study and design of a gas pipeline 30” in diameter and 306 Km long and the interconnections stations. Capacity: 450MMCFD.
Anaco - Jose EXTENSION OF Gas Transmission System.
Advance basic engineering for 36” gas transmission pipeline and 104 Km. long. Route basic studies, intermedia valves stations, initial and terminal stations. Capacity: 1550 MMPCD.
Relocation of the Orocual field gas compressor station.
Conceptual and basic engineering for the relocation and adecuation of the Orocual gas compressor station. This project included topographic basic studies, under ground pipeline detection and ground resistivity studies.
Adequation of Jusepín - Santa Bárbara NGL pipeline.
Detailed engineering for the adequation of 10" diameter of the NGL multi product transmission line in the Jusepín - JM9 sector. Relocation of 4.200 m long, at Guarapiche river crossing. Topography, hydrological, hydraulic and geological, enviromental basic studies. Under ground structure detetion and detailed engineering for the construction.
Ampliación de las estaciones de flujo MOR-2 y JN-9 y múltiple de Flujo JN-8 de LAGOVEN en Morichal
Reconstrucción de 5 estaciones de flujo, montaje y procura de materiales y equipos.
Adequation of 36” Anaco - San Juan de los Morros, Tinapuey River sector, Carmen de Cura and 20” Caracas – Valencia gas transmission pipelines.
Topography, geological survey, geomorphology and hydraulic basic studies for the correction of the gas transmission pipeline exposed by riverbed changes.